Support > BookedUp & Setmore (Beta)
Setmore Plans
Compare Setmore's free / premium plans or signup for a new account using the link below.
Setup Step 1 - Copy your Setmore booking page link
Once you have signed up for a Setmore plan, you will need to copy your setmore booking page url. This is done by:
- Logging into your Setmore account
- Click on the "Settings" cog to access the settings menu, then the "Booking Page" submenu link
- From here you can see your booking page link. You can edit this link if desired, but this must be done BEFORE adding it to BookedUp (if you do change it later you will need to re-add your booking page to BookedUp)
- Copy link
Setup Step 2 - Add Booking Page to BookedUp
The video below shows the process of adding a Calendly link to BookedUp, however the process is identical for Setmore, only using the Setmore link you copied using the instructions above.